Ernesto Ramirez
How might we facilitate, boarding for travelers at airports and planes in order to create a system that meets with all the recommended health protocols and requirements?
In light of the Covid-19, air travel has been one of the industries, most heavily impacted by the pandemic. In addition to the efforts to contain the virus from spreading by ensuring passengers do not partake in non-essential travel, airports continue to lack a clear system able to assure the health and safety of both passengers and airport staff. Passengers are not only having to navigate complex security protocols and unfamiliar airports, they are also being challenged to comply with unclear measures that ensure their safety while travelling during the pandemic.
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At the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic many travelers sought to return home. Many faced overcrowded airports and aircrafts with minimal social distancing and an increased exposure to the virus. Despite the steep decline in air travel this has resumed with minimal or no protocols for their health and safety of passengers. Travel and tourism are essential for many economies as United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that for every $1 million lost in international tourism revenue, a country’s national income could drop by up to $3 million. This demands for a revamped system to ensure all international protocols continued to be respected.
The revised system aims to assist passengers at easing their travel experience while waiting to board at an airport. Passengers are able to access relevant health and security protocols while also accessing entertainment to ensure the user is de-stressed and relaxed. In addition to getting to know their destination prior to their arrival! By having the boarding pass in the form of a wristband it eases the boarding process, ensuring the ticket is not lost, the RFID chip of the wristband facilitates touchless boarding minimizing any unnecessary contact between staff and passengers. A perfect function for kids and elderly people.
Research demonstrates that individuals who choose to travel by air have a minimal risk of Covid-19 contamination. Being away from loved ones, such as family and friends has been identified as a major cause of declining mental health and incurring stress to global families. Over time, having a better user experience while flying will help the current need for health authorities and passengers to navigate the changing conditions and restrictions of the pandemic.
Ernesto Ramirez
Ernesto Ramirez implements practices in design strategy and service design, product design, visual design and usability to his work. His upbringing as well as his various travels have given him the opportunity to be immersed in various cultures. He is trilingual, being fluent in English Spanish and French. His interest in the betterment of his university led him to serve as part of OCAD’s board of governors, where he takes an active role in the institution’s decision making. As a research assistant he is part of the ongoing research on student housing and community living in the Greater Toronto Area. He has participated in an exhibition as project manager during designTO.